Corporate Purchase Card
Allows businesses to streamline their purchasing process. The traditional process of purchasing goods or services can be time-consuming and expensive for many to manage.

Streamline Processing with Purchase Cards
A Purchase Card program helps businesses manage and control their accounts payable spend while reducing administrative costs. Using Purchase Cards provides access to business expenses through standard and custom reporting, as well as real-time controls all through a centralized online platform. It makes it simple for employees to pay their business expenses and for employers to track travel, entertainment, supplies and other costs.
What is a P-Card?
Purchase cards—also known as Purchase Cards or procurement cards —provide businesses with significant opportunities to streamline processing and improve working capital. By replacing paper invoices and manual systems, Purchase Cards help businesses cut operating costs, automate expense reconciliation processes and provide valuable insights on spend patterns. In addition, risk controls are enhanced and quicker payments improve supplier relations and help businesses earn valuable rebates and discounts.

Purchase Card Benefits
Focus On Value-Added Work
Reduced administrative costs in an accounts payable department frees up resources for other priorities.
Improved Working Capital
Delaying the payment of purchases for up to 30 days increases working capital.
Potential Economic Incentives
Purchase Cards provide the opportunity for revenue share in the form of a cash rebate back to the buying organization.
Faster Payment Transactions
Quicker payments can lead to preferred vendor status.
Strengthened Fraud Monitoring Capabilities
Real-time online tools can improve account-level controls.
Purchasing Card
The Mastercard® Corporate Purchasing Card is the better way to manage corporate purchasing. Using this tool, companies can save time and money by streamlining a labor- and time-intensive purchasing process. Paperwork can be reduced or eliminated, and management can exert front- and back-end controls through the card’s authorization system and comprehensive information reporting.