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  • The Card Assets credit team will work with you in situations where your applicant may have special circumstances. We value your input and will work with you to explore possible avenues for approval.
  • You will have a direct line of communication to the Card Assets credit team, and will also be able to view all application approvals and declines via our web portal.
  • Your financial institution will have the option to override the credit decision (guaranty the account) via Letter of Credit.
  • Cardholders have the opportunity to carry your branded card, and enjoy both a competitive rate and robust reward programs with no annual fee.
  • Cardholders receive superior customer service from experienced agents with expertise in the agent financial institution business model.
  • Card Assets offers quarterly revenue share to agent financial institutions, including incentives paid to FI employees.
  • Your financial institution name and brand are on cards, applications, and statements, offering you exposure in your community and an additional solution to tie customers to your institution.
  • Card Assets offers helpful quarterly reporting to gauge the success of your program, along with personnel to help you grow your business.
  • Your Business Development Officer will negotiate a contract with your financial institution, and then your program will be set up and running within 8 weeks.
  • Card Assets will be your sponsor for Visa and Mastercard®, and you will pay an initial setup fee and then a minimal sponsorship fee each year.
  • You will have a dedicated Business Development Officer to oversee setup, train your employees, and help you grow your card portfolio.
  • Card Assets has designated internal employees to attend to your day-to-day needs, including a financial institution hotline for any help needed with customers.
  • Customers have access to a 24/7, 365 days a year, customer service phone line for any service needs.
  • Card Assets will work with your financial institution to provide marketing assistance, and special marketing campaigns if you so desire.